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Piped Raspberry, Passionfruit & Crème Fraîche Nests

Serves 6

© by Genevieve Knight

For a change from whipped cream, try this luscious crème fraîche topping. Its slight tartness pairs beautifully with fresh berries and the sweetness of pavlova.

Pavlova Nests

  • Egg Whites 4
  • Caster Sugar 240 g
  • White Vinegar 2 tsp
  • Cornflour 2 tsp


  1. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Draw a circle 20 cm in diameter with a ballpoint pen onto a sheet of non-stick baking paper and set aside. In a large clean bowl, whip the egg whites until they form peaks. While continuing to whip, gradually rain in the caster sugar. Then whip a further 8–10 minutes until all the sugar granules have dissolved.
  2. Add the white vinegar and cornflour, then fold in with a metal spoon very gently until combined. Pour the meringue into the centre of the penned ring. Using a spatula or palette knife, work the mix to the edges of the ring to create an even, flat disc. Hold the paper very taut and place onto a baking sheet. Place in the centre of the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Turn the heat down to 120°C and bake a further 35–40 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool to room temperature. Remove the paper and serve with soft whipped cream and fresh fruit.


  • Egg Whites 3
  • Caster sugar 240 g
  • White Vinegar 1½ tsp
  • Crème Fraîche 150 g
  • Plain Yogurt150 g, thick consistency
  • Raspberries 1 pkg, fresh
  • Passionfruit 2, fresh


  1. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Line a tray with non-stick baking paper, then set aside. In a large clean bowl, whip the egg whites until they form peaks. While continuing to whip, gradually rain in the 180 g of the caster sugar. Then whip a further 8–10 minutes until all the sugar granules have dissolved.
  2. Add the white vinegar, then fold in with a metal spoon very gently until combined. Fit a piping bag with a large plain nozzle. Fill the bag and pipe 6 nests onto the baking tray. Start by piping in a spiral circle 6 cm in diameter. Then pipe a circle of meringue on top of the bases around the edge.
  3. Place in the oven for 5 minutes. Turn the heat down to 100°C and cook a further 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool to room temperature. To serve, mix together crème fraîche, yoghurt and 60 g of caster sugar. Place the nests onto individual plates. Top with the crème fraîche mix, fresh raspberries and passionfruit pulp. Serve immediately.

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